Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kula's new hiding spot!

After reading McMommy's post about front loading washing machines, I have been real diligent on keeping the door open when I am finished with the laundry. (Ewww - and I spent 1/2 hour cleaning and cleaning the inside of the machine!)  

**Caution - her blog post will make you gag if you have a front loading washing machine!**

Yesterday I happened to walk by and see this - 

Kula decided to take a peek inside!  After getting her out of the washer (I was pretty afraid Reese or Will would close the door on her), I left her alone for a while.  

A little bit later, I saw this - 

I think she has found a good hiding place from the kids!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Let's play soccer!

Soccer started this past weekend. This is the first time Olivia has played in an organized league. In the past, she has played with church or just taken lessons at a local indoor soccer place. This time she has a uniform, a team name, and real "games" with other teams. Her team name is The Stingrays! Despite the 15 minutes or so of rain, I think she had a good time.

Her team has 8 players and they play 3 on 3 between 2 fields. Here she is taking her turn sitting out.

Back in the game, she decides to get aggressive to get the ball! I did hear the coach say several times during the game, "No Pushing"! Surly he wasn't talking to Olivia!!!

After scoring 2 goals (1 goal still in question), she is looking forward to the coming weekend. It's team picture day and she has games on Saturday and Sunday!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New School Vocabulary

Apparently Olivia learned how to appropriately say "sweet" in a sentence today - as in really cool.

She wanted to play Mario Cart and as she was picking the pink car for the princess she says, "That is so sweet!" Then, as she is playing, she says again how the game is so sweet!

Yeah, Greg and I just looked at each other and smiled! We do have one cool rock daughter.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Smooth Sailing

School rocks! Olivia loves everything about school. (I feel like I'm starting to read Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse! If only she had movie star sunglasses, boots that went clickety clack on the floor, shiny quarters, and a new purple plastic purse!)

She had a great first week even though she was pretty tired by Friday. This morning she decided to take her lunch for the first time. Again - she felt very cool!! I was informed that she had to bring a drink because the milk cartons at school were little and she didn't get that much to drink.

Only 3 more weeks until Reese and Will start their "school". Reese talks about it all the time (because she wants to be just like her older sister)! Will just wants a new backpack. Hopefully their first day will go off without a hitch and school will be a hit with everyone.

Hmmm, then what will I do?? Watch soaps and eat Bon Bons??

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Today's the BIG day!

This morning, my oldest daughter started kindergarten.

As I am sitting here typing this post, I still can't believe she is a kindergartner.

We have talked it up all summer about how she'd be riding the school bus with the big kids and how she'll go to school all day everyday. We told her she'd be able to bring her lunch to school, meet new friends, and learn how to read. We read a bunch of books about Kindergarten and even looked up online different games that Kindergartners play. She couldn't wait for school to start.

She was so excited when I woke her up this morning. She jumped right out of bed and started to get dressed. After breakfast and a mini photo session in the living room, we went outside to the bus stop.

I took her picture about 100 more times and got a few pics of her with some of her friends.

Then the moment came where all of the kids saw the school bus. Olivia was grinning from ear to ear. She turned around at the last minute and gave me a huge smile. My heart just melted. She's officially a "big" kid!

I will say, it was hard for me not to get on the bus with her! To make sure she was able to get a good seat, to remind her of the bus rules, and to remind her to tell the bus driver "thank you" when she gets off the bus. To make sure she remembered what her lunch choice was for today, to see if she remembered where her cubby was, and if she remembered her teacher's name.

I have to remember, she's growing up and can do these things by herself. She'll be fine and will have a great first day of school. I'll be waiting at the bus stop for her this afternoon where she'll tell me all about her day and how she'll be excited to go back tomorrow!